Jan 28, 2022

Oxly GmbH became a member of the Russian-German Chamber of Foreign Trade.

Obtaining this status indicates recognition of the reliability of the company and its commitment to the principles of open and honest entrepreneurship at the international level.

Oxly is developing in the field of developing and applying solutions to increase the financial efficiency of the crypto business, mining and turnover of cryptocurrencies.

Membership in the organization opens up new opportunities for the development of the company, the expansion of business contacts and the development of Russian-German relations.

"German business trusts the experience and connections of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce in the process of entering the Russian market. I believe that joining this organization also meets all our main goals and objectives, " Oxley GmbH said. He stressed that Oxly's joining the Russian-German Chamber of Foreign Trade will undoubtedly strengthen the company's position.

The Russian-German Chamber of Foreign Trade is tasked with promoting the development of bilateral economic relations between Russia and Germany.

First of all, it will allow you to find new partners and establish business contacts, promote services purposefully within the business community.

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